So you’ve gotten hold of some wheatgrass, and you’d like to make a smoothie out of it. Bear in mind that wheatgrass is pretty tough, and can’t simply be popped into a blender and made into juice. (If you do that, you’ll probably just have bits of grass floating around in your drink.) To make a wheatgrass smoothie, you’ll first need to fork out some cash and get a dedicated wheatgrass juicer. After that, you can check out the recipes below to make your wheatgrass smoothie.
Banana berry wheatgrass smoothie
1 ripe banana
1 cup frozen organic blueberries
1 cup nonfat plain yogurt
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
Vary proportions of ingredients to taste (or use the recipe as-is), then toss them all in a blender for a refreshing drink
Pineapple wheatgrass smoothie
1 cup seedless grapes
1 cup pitted peaches
1 cup cubed pineapples
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
You may add some sugar or honey if you find it a bit sour. Toss all the ingredients into a blender, and voila!
Carrot wheatgrass smoothie
2-3 large carrots, or equivalent in smaller carrots
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
(optional) ¼ cup water
Use recipe as-is, or add more carrots if you wish. Put everything together in a juicer for a healthy, vitamin-packed drink.
Apple wheatgrass smoothie
1-2 apples, seeds and core removed
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
(optional) ¼ cup water
Wheatgrass with freshly made apple juice adds a bit of pizzazz. Put everything together in a juicer for a quick pick-me-up.
Pear wheatgrass smoothie
2 medium pears, core removed
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
4 ounces filtered water
Best served chilled. Basically the same as the above apple wheatgrass smoothie recipe, only with pears. Feed ingredients into a juicer for a cool drink.