So you’ve gotten hold of some wheatgrass, and you’d like to make a smoothie out of it. Bear in mind that wheatgrass is pretty tough, and can’t simply be popped into a blender and made into juice. (If you do that, you’ll probably just have bits of grass floating around in your drink.) To make a wheatgrass smoothie, you’ll first need to fork out some cash and get a dedicated wheatgrass juicer. After that, you can check out the recipes below to make your wheatgrass smoothie.
Banana berry wheatgrass smoothie
1 ripe banana
1 cup frozen organic blueberries
1 cup nonfat plain yogurt
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
Vary proportions of ingredients to taste (or use the recipe as-is), then toss them all in a blender for a refreshing drink
Pineapple wheatgrass smoothie
1 cup seedless grapes
1 cup pitted peaches
1 cup cubed pineapples
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
You may add some sugar or honey if you find it a bit sour. Toss all the ingredients into a blender, and voila!
Carrot wheatgrass smoothie
2-3 large carrots, or equivalent in smaller carrots
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
(optional) ¼ cup water
Use recipe as-is, or add more carrots if you wish. Put everything together in a juicer for a healthy, vitamin-packed drink.
Apple wheatgrass smoothie
1-2 apples, seeds and core removed
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
(optional) ¼ cup water
Wheatgrass with freshly made apple juice adds a bit of pizzazz. Put everything together in a juicer for a quick pick-me-up.
Pear wheatgrass smoothie
2 medium pears, core removed
2-4 ounces wheatgrass juice
4 ounces filtered water
Best served chilled. Basically the same as the above apple wheatgrass smoothie recipe, only with pears. Feed ingredients into a juicer for a cool drink.
Here's How You Could Grow Your Very Own Grapes (DIY)

Want to learn how to grow grapes and have a fresh supply of grapes in your backyard? Be it due to their flavor or their health benefits, grapes are one of the most popular fruits in the world.
Purple grapes specifically are juicy and sweet, making them a hit with kids. Grapes have several different health benefits due to the antioxidants as well as the antiviral and antibacterial properties they contain. They are used as laxatives in order to prevent constipation, to improve digestion. Their regular consumption can even prevent heart disease and cancer. However, in order to obtain all of their benefits, it’s best to consume good quality grapes, preferably organic ones that don’t contain pesticides or other harmful substances.
In order to make sure you’re eating quality fruit, why not plant your own? It’s not hard to take care of grapes, but it all depends on the temperature of where you live. Fruit is so sensitive to its surroundings that its flavor can change according to where it was planted and how it was taken care of.
Today we’re going to teach you how to plant your own grapes at home, step by step.
First of all, it’s important to note that the best time to plant is in the winter. Then, you need to take at least 4 grape seeds (any kind of grape) and put them in a cup of water, leaving them there for about 24 hours. After the time is up, the seeds should be floating in the water. If they aren’t floating, remove the seeds and repeat the prices with new seeds.
Once that is done, fill a container with fertilized soil. Make 4 little holes in the ground and put one seed in each hole. Finally, cover the holes with soil and wet them with a little water. You should wait about 8 weeks to see any signs of germination. Once you do, move your plants to a larger pot so they can grow easily. As soon as the plant reaches 30 centimeters, remove it from its container and plant it outside. Before doing so clean the area and dig a whole that’s roughly 40 cm by 40 cm.
Consider these tips: It’s normal for the branches to grow disproportionately. If this happens tie them to some wooden or metal rods so the vine grows straight and doesn’t break. Make sure to get rods that can support the weight of the branches. Make sure that the grapes are in direct sunlight and get fresh water every day.
7 Uses of Vinegar That You Probably Didn't Know
Throughout history white distilled vinegar has been considered a medicine, and was even prescribed by Dr. Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Apart from being good for our health, white distilled vinegar can help us with our household chores. We can use it mixed with other products, diluted in water, or even alone.
Today we are going to teach you some of the best uses for white distilled vinegar. Let's get started!
It can help reduce the stench of trash. No matter how hard we try to avoid it, the trash cans in our house sometimes take on a strong odor that's not very easy to wash out. White distilled vinegar can help fix this problem. Line the bottom of your trashcan with paper towels, and place a stale piece of loaf bread on the paper towels. Soak the bread in white distilled vinegar and close the trashcan. Leave it that way all night long and throw away the bread the next day.
It serves as a clothes softener. A white distilled vinegar and baking soda mixture is great at removing bad odors and lightening clothes. All you have to do is mix half a cup of baking soda and one cup of white distilled vinegar in the washing machine whenever it's completely full, and let it run its normal wash cycle. It helps clean stained walls If your white walls are stained, try using white distilled vinegar to clean them. Mix water and vinegar in a tub and dip a microfiber cleaning cloth in the mixture. Gently wash the walls with this cloth, wait for five minutes, and do it again. Once this is through, dry the wall with another cloth. This procedure will not only remove stains, but it will also protect your walls from mold.
It keeps your pets off your sofa. If you don't like it when your dog or cat gets on your couch, white distilled vinegar can help you. Since animals don't enjoy the smell of vinegar, they will stay away from any area you apply it to. Furthermore, the vinegar will help keep your sofa clean, and protect it from mites and mold.
It helps protect your flowers. If your flowers are wilting and lifeless, the bacteria that builds up in the water are probably to blame. In order to fix this problem, add 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar to the water you use to water your plants, and your flowers will live longer.
It gets stains out of pots and pans. Whether it be due to a lack of experience in the kitchen or distraction, it’s normal that we burn stuff in our pots. The stains that result from this can be hard to remove, but white distilled vinegar can help. Cover all the burnt areas with vinegar and put the pot on to boil for five minutes. Then, let it cool and scrub the residue gently with a smooth sponge.
It can help clean your glasses. People who wear glasses know that there is nothing worse then when your glasses are covered in dust and fingerprints. This affects your vision and can even give you a headache. You can easily fix this problem with white distilled vinegar by moistening the cloth you use to clean your glasses with.
Today we are going to teach you some of the best uses for white distilled vinegar. Let's get started!
It can help reduce the stench of trash. No matter how hard we try to avoid it, the trash cans in our house sometimes take on a strong odor that's not very easy to wash out. White distilled vinegar can help fix this problem. Line the bottom of your trashcan with paper towels, and place a stale piece of loaf bread on the paper towels. Soak the bread in white distilled vinegar and close the trashcan. Leave it that way all night long and throw away the bread the next day.
It serves as a clothes softener. A white distilled vinegar and baking soda mixture is great at removing bad odors and lightening clothes. All you have to do is mix half a cup of baking soda and one cup of white distilled vinegar in the washing machine whenever it's completely full, and let it run its normal wash cycle. It helps clean stained walls If your white walls are stained, try using white distilled vinegar to clean them. Mix water and vinegar in a tub and dip a microfiber cleaning cloth in the mixture. Gently wash the walls with this cloth, wait for five minutes, and do it again. Once this is through, dry the wall with another cloth. This procedure will not only remove stains, but it will also protect your walls from mold.
It keeps your pets off your sofa. If you don't like it when your dog or cat gets on your couch, white distilled vinegar can help you. Since animals don't enjoy the smell of vinegar, they will stay away from any area you apply it to. Furthermore, the vinegar will help keep your sofa clean, and protect it from mites and mold.
It helps protect your flowers. If your flowers are wilting and lifeless, the bacteria that builds up in the water are probably to blame. In order to fix this problem, add 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar to the water you use to water your plants, and your flowers will live longer.
It gets stains out of pots and pans. Whether it be due to a lack of experience in the kitchen or distraction, it’s normal that we burn stuff in our pots. The stains that result from this can be hard to remove, but white distilled vinegar can help. Cover all the burnt areas with vinegar and put the pot on to boil for five minutes. Then, let it cool and scrub the residue gently with a smooth sponge.
It can help clean your glasses. People who wear glasses know that there is nothing worse then when your glasses are covered in dust and fingerprints. This affects your vision and can even give you a headache. You can easily fix this problem with white distilled vinegar by moistening the cloth you use to clean your glasses with.
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